Musings with Sainte Maria
Maria, a talented illustrator and artist, currently resides in Düsseldorf brings her unique vision to this project. She finds her inspiration for RUS latest collaboration in the tactile quality of knitwear and the transformative power of art. Influenced by revered artists such as Cy Twombly, Joan Mitchell, and Christo, Maria skillfully combines color, texture, and composition, creating unique artworks.
Illustrations and moodboards by Sainte Maria
Artwork by Sainte Maria x RUS, 2023
Tender Buttons development images shared with Maria by RUS served as inspiration for this project.
Where’s home for you?
I don’t know. I’ve lost my sense of home. I even can’t give the definition of home now.
What led you to start painnting?
It’s a very long story. When I was 12 years old I realized I wanted to be an interior designer. So I went to art school. Later, when I entered the University I chose to study graphic design, advertising and marketing. I found it more interesting than interior design. At that time I was very interested in deconstructive and decadent art, at the same time I was always obsessed with fashion. After graduation I wanted to combine all these things together and I started painting everything what I loved: packaging, shoes, food - everything what surrounded me.
What’s your inspiration for this collaboration?
I had three directions. First of all, of course, I was starting from your concept: forms, colors, tied elements. Second one was the women in art. Initially I wanted to draw the book with Joan Mitchell paper works, but in the process I painted it all over black. (See the sketch). Last one but not least: wood, metal, flowers and my endless inspiration Christo and Jeanne-Claude.
What are some of your everyday small pleasures? What effect do they have on you?
Walks, black tea and chocolate. All of it helps me stay alive!
MS: “Second one was the women in art. Initially I wanted to draw the book with Joan Mitchell paper works, but in the process I painted it all over black. (See the sketch).”
“How would you describe RUS universe in three words?
Gentle. Delicate. Craft. ”
MS: “Last one but not least: wood, metal, flowers and my endless inspiration Christo and Jeanne-Claude.”
How do you embrace vulnerability in your life and work?
Emigration has been taught me of the humility. Just radical acceptance.
Planification or improvisation?
Planned improvisation! It depends on circumstances.
What musical artist/album/song are you currently listening to on repeat?
Currently I don’t listen music too much, but throughout the year I still love the song by Nujabes called Luv(sic.) pt3. This song makes me so calm, it reminds me of my childhood.
A book/s you keep coming back to?
Honestly I’m not a book person. But I’m often looking through the art books, such as Cy Twombly, Sempe, Rothko. My another favorite is a cooking book On Vegetables: Modern Recipes for the Home Kitchen.
Do you find useful following a routine or do you prefer to follow your emotional impulses?
Following a routine, but emotional impulses makes the routine special.
Maria’s favorite books
Name three artists/creatives that inspire you. Why?
My husband Sasha Saari is an abstract painter and I found a lot of inspiration in his art, in his approach to life.
Abstract painter Howard Hodgkin, unfortunately he already passed away. I’ve never seen his painting in real life, hopefully one day!
Last one is Jose Quintanar, artist originally from Spain. For me his works is between art and graphic design. Every his work is so good. Just blowing my mind.
Do you have any garment you’ve loved for a long time? What makes it special?
Yes, white dress. Nothing is better for me than white dress and sandals with socks. I feel so strong in the dress.
We believe that even our clothing and appearance can reflect our inner emotions, desires, and moods. How does this idea resonate with your personal style/work?
I totally agree with you. I think my personality reflects in every part of my life. It doesn’t matter what it is: works, style, food, clothing. It’s just one big puzzle.
What’s on your horizon?
My horizon is so foggy right now, that I can hardly even see it. Only one thing is clear I will continue to draw.
Maria’s favorite artists